
 Priory of France - O.S.J.
Regular Order of Saint John of Holy Land
ruled in France as associations according to the "loi du 1er juillet 1901"










 Rule of the O.S.J.


This is the Rule through which you freely commit yourself to the O.S.J.,
to serve Christ and the Poor.

I-Through the Grace of your Baptism,
you will live by FAITH,
you will be sustained by HOPE, and
you will be rooted in CHARITY.

II-Your religious commitment will incite you to honour the best you can the three promises of your predecessors :
In the spirit of Obedience, submissive to the Holy Will of God, you will be faithful to your pledge and to the Grand Master in all he orders you the for the good of the Order.
In the spirit of Poverty, your heart will be detached from all your possessions, knowing you have received all from God.
In the spirit of Chastity, you will endeavour to behave, according to the duties of your state of life, respecting yourself and the others.

III-Your commitment in the Knighthood of St John makes you the heir of the sense of duty also that of honour.
Living in the world, you will take to heart to serve and defend the Sacred Rights of God and to protect the Weak.

IV-As a member of the unique people of God, your belonging to an Ecumenical Order binds you to respect, esteem and listen to the Christians of other confessions.
In the service of the Order and your Brethren, you will go beyond all confessionnal differencies.
According to your personal vocation, you will do your utmost to promote the Unity of Christians wanted by Christ the Lord.

V-Your commitment as an Hospitaller, according to your collective tradition and your personnal call, will lead you as far as you can, to personnaly serve all the kinds of the Poor and the Sick.

VI-You will for ever and everywhere bear in mind the White Cross your founders adopted in the past in Jerusalem as a sign of recognition.
Its colour is the symbol of purity.
With its four equal branches it reminds you the virtues of Prudence, Justice, Strenght and Temperance that will help you on the way to perfection.
Its eight points remind you of the eight Beatitudes that summerize the happiness to which our Lord calls us all :
Blessed are you :
-the poor in spirit.
-the meek.
-that cry.
-hungry and thirst for justice.
-pure of heart.
-peace maker.
-persecuted for justice.

VII-According to a plan of action, either personal or of the Commandry, you will endeavour to consecrate time :
to serve God through Prayer and the meditation of the Gospel,
to serve those who suffer - being image of Christ,
to serve the Order.

VIII-Your discipline will be ruled by the Constitution, the present Rule, and the Uses and Customs of the Order, in the spirit of Peace, brotherly love, and for ever guided by the faithfulness to your motto :


Pro Fide Pro Utilitate Hominum



 Croix au Bost commandery




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